Ministry of Health
Ts'uubaa-asatx has begun to actively participate in various tourism initiatives including Kaatza Adventures which houses aquatic Rentals, Canoe Tours, offers cultural workshops in our mini longhouse, and will be providing story trails throughout trail enhancements that we have made and will be making in the near future.
In addition to this will be the creation of a marina along with a waterfront walkway and linkages to nearby trail systems that will have Lake Cowichan First Nation presence, signage, and maintenance provided. In future years the waterfront location will house upwards of 60—80 multi-unit residences, a First Nation’s infused café, as well as the potential for other related activities such as marine-based services, accommodations, etc.
Our waterfront development will feature market-based residential buildings that will be leased to non-members.
This development will see up to 100 units built over 12 phases in and around our waterfront property. Our Nation has concluded a market study that reveals the highest and best use study for the area is residential accommodation.